Where we explore the properties of an IFC file generated from Revit to get some information on room sizes.
Here’s the code used in the video:
static void Main(string[] args) { using (XbimModel model = new XbimModel()) { string ifcFile = "AreaTestWithProperties.ifc"; string ifcLongFile = @"E:\Overarching\Videos\2014 02 - storey area\" + ifcFile; string xbimLongFile = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(ifcLongFile, "xbim"); model.CreateFrom( ifcLongFile, xbimLongFile ); model.Open(xbimLongFile, Xbim.XbimExtensions.XbimDBAccess.Read); //OBTER TODAS AS ENTIDADES DO MODELO var pisos = model.Instances.OfType<IfcBuildingStorey>(); foreach (var piso in pisos) { Console.Write("Storey: {0}\r\n", piso.Name); IEnumerable<IfcRelDecomposes> decomp = piso.IsDecomposedBy; IEnumerable<IfcObjectDefinition> objs = decomp.SelectMany(s => s.RelatedObjects); IEnumerable<IfcSpace> spaces = objs.OfType<IfcSpace>(); foreach (var space in spaces) { var area = space.GetGrossFloorArea(); Console.Write("Space: {0} Area: {1}\r\n", space.Name, area.Value); } } model.Close(); } }
Link to:
– Zip of exported sample IFC files
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